Fitness for Duty Services

Injurynet’s Fitness for Duty Assessments assist managers to obtain better insight into issues affecting an employee’s ability to work and may be requested for the following reasons:

Key Features

Dr to Dr Liaison

Injurynet Clinical Advisor communicates with treating practitioners to obtain medical / clinical information relevant to work capacity issues and provides information and / or opinion regarding fitness for work to the referring manager.

Independent Medical Examinations

A comprehensive medical examination of an employee when the extent of a medical or psychiatric condition is unknown or possibly untreated, assisting employers to obtain better insight into issues affecting an employee’s ability to safely perform the inherent requirements of their role.

Non-Work-Related RTW Health Assessments

A medical examination to assist managers who have concerns when an employee is planning on returning to work after absence due to non-work-related injury or illness. Advice provided to the referring manager includes whether it is medically safe for the employee to return to work, whether returning to work poses a risk of aggravating the condition, or if the employee is fit for his or her normal duties/hours.

Medical Certificate Validations

Injurynet’s in-house occupational doctors are readily available to promptly review medical certificates, contact treating doctors to clarify certification details and provide advice to employers regarding whether or not a period of absence is appropriate for the condition stated on the medical certificate.

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